
BaseWest started in 1991 as an FAA-approved provider of replacement battery packs for airline emergency equipment. By 1998, we won the first of several major aircraft escape slide lighting programs. In 1999 we developed the first FAA-approved LED-based slide lighting systems and won the A320 program. We expanded our capabilities to include aircraft electrical cables and a range of specialized test equipment which have become the standards in our industry niche.
As LED-based systems became required for all new programs, we developed the first of a series of electronically regulated “smart” batteries to power them – significantly reducing the weight and pack volume of earlier batteries while increasing service life.
Along the way, we are fortunate to have been awarded every new Boeing, Airbus and large regional jet escape slide lighting program that we have been asked to bid since 1998 including the Airbus A220, A320 family, A330/340 family, A350, and A380, the Boeing 737 family, 747-8, 757, 767, 777, and 787, and all of the large regional jet programs such as the Embraer E1/E2 family and the Chinese C919.
BaseWest is a first-tier, delegated source supplier to both Safran Aerosystems (Air Cruisers) and Collins Aerospace (Goodrich). We are an FAA-approved production approval holder (PAH) supporting airline operations worldwide with a range of PMA and TSO approved products, Our quality system is approved to AS9100D and ISO9001:2015.
We support a closely aligned company with design and manufacture of tactical products including helmet-mounted lighting, lighting systems for static line and free-fall parachuting as well as identification-friend-or foe (IFF) and guided munitions threat alert devices.